Kyl Reber Podcast
We all know that person, who is just like you and I, but has an incredible story, and has when everything has said to quit, backed themselves, and achieved something great.
They come from all walks of life, humble beginnings, and yet, achieve some pretty amazing things.
In this Podcast, Kyl Reber interviews people from all walks of life, that have through some chance, hard work, and determination, are living a life that will leave a legacy.
And who knows, maybe these ordinary people, that we may have walked past and not looked twice, pass onto us a desire, to back ourselves.
Listen on, and who knows, one day, we may be interviewing YOU.
Kyl Reber Podcast
Kyl Reber Podcast Ep 7 | Tania Rowan 6.2.24
The thing that I have always admired about this woman, is how she has always just made things work, got stuff done, and in the meantime, had so much care and time for her family and those close to her.
So much so, that she quite often puts their needs above hers, because she is just so invested in making other people better.
Couple this with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and what you have is a person that is now giving a whole demographic a sense of understanding their own identity, being proud of who they are, and learning how to navigate the world with their super power.
It was so good to have a great chat to Tania Rowan, and after all these years of knowing her, hear the excitement in her voice with her life taking a new direction.