Kyl Reber Podcast
We all know that person, who is just like you and I, but has an incredible story, and has when everything has said to quit, backed themselves, and achieved something great.
They come from all walks of life, humble beginnings, and yet, achieve some pretty amazing things.
In this Podcast, Kyl Reber interviews people from all walks of life, that have through some chance, hard work, and determination, are living a life that will leave a legacy.
And who knows, maybe these ordinary people, that we may have walked past and not looked twice, pass onto us a desire, to back ourselves.
Listen on, and who knows, one day, we may be interviewing YOU.
Kyl Reber Podcast
Kyl Reber Podcast Ep 8 | Tammie Sarkozy
This person is a real example of three things.
The then 19 year old girl that I started training in fitness classes, having very avid discussions on not wanting her arms to get too bog from push ups, has now gone onto becoming a very successful personal trainer, CrossFit Athlete, winning MuscleMania in the United States and earning a pro card
But now at 38, she herself is also now evolving as a mother of a very active one year old, running a thriving online coaching business, where she uses her experiences as being a young mother trying to make all the pieces fit, to guide other women who are “lost”, and help them find their way in the world by taking charge of their health and wellness.
I have so much time and respect for Tammie Sarkozy, and have loved watching the little kid evolve to someone I deeply admire.
She is showing so many other women, that it can be done. You aren’t being selfish, you are giving yourself self love.