Kyl Reber Podcast
We all know that person, who is just like you and I, but has an incredible story, and has when everything has said to quit, backed themselves, and achieved something great.
They come from all walks of life, humble beginnings, and yet, achieve some pretty amazing things.
In this Podcast, Kyl Reber interviews people from all walks of life, that have through some chance, hard work, and determination, are living a life that will leave a legacy.
And who knows, maybe these ordinary people, that we may have walked past and not looked twice, pass onto us a desire, to back ourselves.
Listen on, and who knows, one day, we may be interviewing YOU.
Kyl Reber Podcast
Kyl Reber Podcast Ep 11 | Wayne Spear 10.3.24
I have a massive amount of admiration for this man, which I guess you could also define as a major man crush (there, I said it). Wayne Spear is to me what a Martial Artist should be. Strong, humble, intelligent, progressive, a role model, and a protector. But, here’s the part of Wayne that I admire the most.
A man of his calibre, and his stature, is firstly never afraid to say he does not know it all, he is always keen to learn, but more than anything else, he is not afraid to admit when he needs help, and ask for it.
That, is what I admire the most. He has endured immense hardship, seen things that no one should have to see, but always through it all, been a protector, thought of others, and put others needs in front of him.
To me, he is the perfect example of not just a Martial Artist, but a human being.
I absolutely loved this chat with Wayne Spear, and was locked in for the whole time. The message he sent really resonated with me, and I hope it can be as insightful for you, as it was for me.