Kyl Reber Podcast
We all know that person, who is just like you and I, but has an incredible story, and has when everything has said to quit, backed themselves, and achieved something great.
They come from all walks of life, humble beginnings, and yet, achieve some pretty amazing things.
In this Podcast, Kyl Reber interviews people from all walks of life, that have through some chance, hard work, and determination, are living a life that will leave a legacy.
And who knows, maybe these ordinary people, that we may have walked past and not looked twice, pass onto us a desire, to back ourselves.
Listen on, and who knows, one day, we may be interviewing YOU.
Kyl Reber Podcast
Kyl Reber Podcast Ep 14 | Rachel Lee 29.5.24
This was a real interesting chat, and one I think we may all need to hear, because a great deal of what we think we know about food, and the way it affects our body, may be a much bigger picture than we have ever thought.
I met Rachel through training, and her expertise on food, and it’s relationship to mental health I find fascinating. She has helped so many people from all walks of life, find a healthier way to holistically look at what they eat, and understand why it makes them feel the way they do.
In an age where everywhere we turn, there is a different influencer or “expert” giving us advice on what, when and how to eat, Rachel has some real explanations on this, which is so good to hear.
But as I said, the big one for me, is how she can explain what a connection our food has to our mental health, and how much our food choices can affect our overall well being, and how we feel about ourselves when we look past the mirror, and into our souls.
And as you will hear, she has her own story to tell, and practices what she preaches.