Kyl Reber Podcast

Kyl Reber Podcast Ep 15 | Damien Brown 4.6.24

Season 1 Episode 15
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00:00:00 | 02:00:50

Three things really stood out in my mind after this chat.

1.Never let an opportunity pass you by, no matter how hard ot may be.

2.Opportunities can if you work hard at them, grow into something bigger than you could have ever dreamed, and lead to even more opportunities.

3.There never has been, and never will be, a substitute for hard work.

There were many moving parts to this chat I had with Damien, but hey all cam back to opportunity and work, every single time.  He is living proof of what happens if you knuckle down, make some sacrifices, sleep a little less than you might want to, get out of bed, and just work hard.

I loved all the moving parts of this chat.  The family dynamic growing up, the time in the military, the fight career, the family man, and the Martial Arts facility that has quickly become one of the largest and highest quality in Brisbane.

Have a listen and see what happens when you just understand nothing is achieved without a little hard work.